The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

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The great Wile E. Coyote, ACME bomb scare of 2018

Nine suspicious packages and eight - well what do I call things - extremely ridiculous looking improvised explosive devices, or ERL IEDs, have been counted so far. The Clinton's, the Obama's, Eric Holder, John Brennan (care of CNN), Debbie Wasserman Schultz, George Soros, Maxine Waters and even Robert De Niro were all recipients of these ERL IEDs.

So first of all these "pipe bombs"... to get an accurate comparison you'd have to watch a little Warner Brothers Saturday morning cartoons to see anything even remotely close. Pipe bombs are usually made from steel piping, but these were constructed from PVC pipe. The reason steel is always used over PVC is because the entire purpose of the bomb is to utilize the steel shrapnel when it explodes. This attacker, who we'll give the codename of Wylie Coyote, made his bomb out of... plastic! The devices also had protruding wires coming out of the PVC pipe with a big ridiculous looking digital timer taped to it. Again, this is not typical pipe bomb construction, as all of the wires and the detonator are usually concealed inside the pipe.

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So in other words, this device was the equivalent of Wile E. Coyote leaving 8 overly large sticks of dynamite with a big alarm clock lashed to it with the words ACME bomb stamped on the side. Oh and a big pile of bird seed next to it to attract the roadrunner.

And I didn't even mention the fact that a parody ISIS flag was taped to the device which is actually a right wing meme. And if you thought it couldn't get even more silly, the meme quotes Larry the Cable Guy.

None of these devices detonated. They had zero chance of ever making it through security screening, and Wile. E. Coyote must have known that. You think Hillary Clinton actually personally checks her mailbox everyday to see if her Amazon Prime order came in? You think George Soros does? Every person that has been sent one these packages has mail screening, and these devices were designed, not to kill, but to be detected, caught and seen. Wile E. Coyote wanted a media circus, and boy oh boy did he get one.

Now I'm not going to speculate who Wile E. really is. Is he a right wing nut, a left wing nut looking to change the narrative before the midterms… no one knows yet. But that's not stopping the left from jumping on this. No way… never let a crisis go to waste. By noon yesterday Paul Waldman of the Washington Post already had an article out blaming Donald Trump:

Given what Trump has done and said, this was absolutely predictable. In fact, it's a wonder that it took this long. It's not just that Trump advocates violence against his political opponents — though he does. It's that everything about his rhetoric pushes his supporters in that direction…

When has the president actually called for violence? Calling the media Fake News is bad, but is that in any way equivalent to, oh I don't know, encouraging you're electorate to harass Republicans at their homes, restaurants or places of business? Cough… Maxine Waters. Is it equivalent to declaring the end of civility? *Clears throat* Hillary Clinton. I could go on, but we all know the left's narrative that you heard yesterday, and will continue until the midterms, is complete bull.

And as far as the identity of Wile E. Coyote, for those of you in the mainstream media, it's best not to speculate.

And many of our friends in the left leaning main stream media were just utterly shocked that this kind of attack occurred. One person remarked how they'd never seen anything like this directed at one side of the spectrum. Seriously? I guess that's true if your memory doesn't go back as far as - oh I don't know - literally just a few weeks ago! Suspected ricin letters were just sent to the White House, James Mattis, FBI Director Christopher Wray, CIA Director Gina Haspel, Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson. Did they forget this just happened?!

And as far as the identity of Wile E. Coyote, for those of you in the mainstream media, it's best not to speculate. If you don't know… say you don't know. Do that and you might receive the unthinkable. Something you've lost long ago… a little credibility.

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