"The majority of people who are diagnosed in late stages, which is most of us, are dead in six months."
Dr. Karen Gersch is a cardiothoracic surgeon with Palmetto Cardiovascular and Thoracic Associates, who operates only at Trident Medical Center, here in the lowcountry. Dr. Gersch offered up some seriously sobering statistics regarding Rush Limbaugh's recent stage four lung cancer diagnosis with host Kelly Golden on 94.3 WSC
"Unfortunately Rush is later stages. And, in our country, about 57 % of the folks who are diagnosed with lung cancer,are diagnosed in 'late stages' and about four percent of those folks live five years... this is a big deal."
Dr. Gersch walks us thru early stage symptoms and the importance of early diagnosis as well as treatment options for someone with stage 4 lung cancer. Plus, you'll hear what new technology and surgical options are now available to treat lung cancer.
Click the podcast below for a full recap of 'What's Up Wednesday' and 'The Kelly Golden Show' on 94.3 WSC
I thank Rush for opening the door to so many in talk radio, like me! So, we here at 94.3 WSC are encouraging you share your messages of support at (843) 856 NEWS. This is a dedicated hotline just for you to share your messages of support for Rush Limbaugh with each of us. (843)856.6169 - That's 856 NEWS
We thank you for listening, sharing, caring and supporting conservative news talk radio, the medium that El Rushbo built!
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