It truly lifts my spirits to see the 94.3 WSC studio phone lines ring an hour before AND after 'The Kelly Golden Show' with folks like you wanting to vent, find fellowship or just share. That's what 'Tell Something Good Tuesday' has always been about.
Through 2020 Covid-19 lockdowns and now a contentious Presidential election, #TMSGT has risen to a much higher level of free 'therapy' if you will, for conservatives across the country to tune in, reach out and carry onto 2021. Thank you for caring, sharing and listening y'all! We got this --- together. Kg, 94.3 WSC
Rep. Jim Jordan: 'Don’t cancel Thanksgiving. Don’t cancel Christmas. Cancel lockdowns.'
Fulton County Sheriff Richard Giardino has publicly declared he won’t be enforcing New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s 10-guest limit for Thanksgiving get togethers. In a Facebook post, the sheriff pointed out that he didn’t think the order was constitutional:
'With regard to the Thanksgiving Executive Order, the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office will NOT be enforcing it against our County residents. Frankly, I am not sure it could sustain a Constitutional challenge in Court for several reasons including your house is your castle. And as a Sheriff with a law degree I couldn’t in good faith attempt to defend it Court, so I won’t.'
'I trust people in Fulton County to use their own judgement on who and how many people they invite. Obviously if you have high risk family members you will weigh the risks to your loved ones versus the reward. Thanksgiving is just that, a time to give thanks for what we have or have received over the year.'
'So don’t feel a need to hide cars, cover with leaves or walk 3 blocks so your house doesn’t become a target of the Governors EO.'
'We have limited resources and we have to set priorities, so obtaining a Search Warrant to enter your home to see how many Turkey or Tofu eaters are present is not a priority. We won’t be doing that. The only way to enter your residence is if we have a warrant, we are invited in or an exigent or emergency circumstance exist. We have three patrols a shift for 500 square miles, monitoring Family Dinners aren’t our priority.'
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