Kelly Golden

Kelly Golden

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Cyber-cespool strikes again!

GETTY IMAGES: Concept showing CDA section 230 or Communications Decency Act with US flag as background. Illustration of the question if internet companies should be repealed or replaced

We still live in America where due process exists, thank God! You wouldn't know it though by the judge, jury and execution happening in the cesspool Twitter has become. Specifically regarding this Citadel cadet recently charged for being inside the Capitol building on January 6th.

I recently scrolled into a digital firing squad about this subject, and quickly decided better of it. But, not before apparently lighting the Twittersphere abuzz when WAIT FOR IT ... I deleted a tweet! (If I knew such an act would get this much attention, I would of tweeted and deleted ALL my messages a long time ago!)

I'm of course not a racist, nor am I a supporter of 'cop killers' or 'sedition' but you wouldn't know it by the trash that passes for 'reasonable' content on social media. The good news? I've picked up a few new fans, yet sadly attracted some pretty nasty cyber clowns too.



You'd think a guy who apparently works at a Christian University would treat folks a tad nicer online instead of 'liking' a vile tweet calling me a "Worthless f*&knuckle" and "...racist $h!t stain bully coward."

When will Congress hold Twitter accountable for harboring all these vicious, vile, slanderous lies from cyber bullies that they continue to get a 'pass' providing safe space for and are promoting? I'm typically against more Government intrusion, but will these guys ever be held to the same standards as the rest of publishers out here (Congress, looking in your direction as 'social media companies such as Twitter and Facebook enjoy a special liability protection under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.')

The Citadel cadet situation is in it's charging stage. This student has only been charged with, not convicted of, allegedly committing federal crimes, yet grown adults are rushing to cancel him, and pressure the Citadel to 'submit' to their demands of kicking him out of school. Let the school's disciplinary board decide. It's not a situation for any of us to be making calls on.

Sadly, these cyber cesspool trolls continue their attempts to cancel me as a news broadcaster covering the 'Save America Rally + March' for literally doing my job, all because they don't agree with my opinions.

We're living in sad times folks. Lets be and do better, together!

Hit play on the yellow button below for even more in-depth on air coverage of this event:

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