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Sign this Petition 'Show some leadership and celebrate our Founding Fathers.'
'This is so shocking that any American would not want to honor George Washington----a hero in our history books.' - Faye Gaston
AMERICAN HERITAGE ASSOCIATION RELEASE: Washington Resolution - Charleston County Council
'We the undersigned demand that Charleston County Council Chairman Herb Sass present a Resolution which honors the Father of Our Country, George Washington, for an up or down vote at an April 2023 council meeting.
At the March 2nd meeting Councilman Larry Kobrovsky presented a well-written Resolution honoring Washington. Kobrovsky made a motion to adopt the Resolution, however, not a single member of council seconded his motion.
Our country, its institutions, and its history are under attack from within by Wokeism and Cancel Culture. We cannot think of a clearer time to take a stand than in defense of our first President. We expect our elected officials to have the courage and patriotism to fight back whenever such anti-American sentiment rears its ugly head. Charleston County Councilmembers (not including Kobrovsky) failed this basic test at the March meeting but can correct their error with a glowing tribute to Washington in the form of a Resolution at an upcoming council meeting THIS APRIL.
While we may not be able to affect what is happening across the country, it is our duty as Americans and South Carolinians to take a stand here in the place we call home, the Palmetto State. WE STAND WITH WASHINGTON.'
The Kelly Golden Show caught up with Brett Barry of AHA to discuss: take a listen!