Foto: Sean Rayford / Getty Images News / Getty Images
SC District 41 Sen. Sandy Senn was edged out in a Charleston County Primary vote this week by current state Rep. Matt Leber, by a margin narrow enough to trigger an automatic recount. Friday morning, Senn issued a statement conceding, and waiving any statutory ballot recount of the close race, won by just 33 votes.:
PRESS RELEASE: June 14, 2024
'I was unaware that I could waive the mandatory recount which was statutorily triggered
by the race being separated by a small 30 + vote margin. However, I trust the computers to
tabulate correctly and therefore I have just notified the SC Election Commission that they need
not go through the many hours of extra work to re-run the ballots.
While losing by a small number of votes was tough, the fact is my competitor only
needed to win by one vote to beat me. So, I have congratulated him, profusely thanked my
supporters, and even finished cleaning up all the campaign signs already.
I stand by all my votes taken in the past eight years, regretting none. It has been a great
honor to serve District 41 and I thank the citizens for giving me that opportunity.'
Leber for Senate tells 94.3 WSC, 'We're all smiles. We're just very excited about the future!' adding '...most dirty politics backfires.' Take a listen to SC Rep. Leber's full interview on Charleston's Morning News with Kelly & Blaze:
Leber says 'I think we're going to have an America First Conservative agenda on the ballot in November, and I feel great about it!' South Carolina's General Election is Tuesday Nov 5, 2024