Photo: KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI / AFP / Getty Images
The legacy media (aka the 'propaganda press') absolutely LOST IT When Trump Won the 2024 Election BUT, let's start with my 1:35'ish a.m. call of Trump's historic win to restore America's GREATNESS shall we: )
Now, check out this MELTDOWN from Jonathan Capehart on PBS:
And, watch Jen Psaki call the Race FOR TRUMP - uhhhh boy!
How many reading this think they'll change their tune and actually start reporting FACTS over their feelings?
Reality will soon sink in that Trump won the Electoral College in a landslide, and that he’s set to win the popular vote. So, how quickly do you think they'll drop their ridiculous blathering about ditching the Electoral College when Trump won the popular vote? Yeah, I'm not holding my breath either, but, there's always hope, and JOY (don't forget the 'joy' as we await Kamala's response!)
It's time for EVERYONE to wake up and realize Trump’s commanding a movement that outright slaughtered the Democrat party at the ballot box Tuesday night with a red tsunami!
Republicans are retaking the White House, likely retaining the House, and are retaking the Senate. Working-class voters, of every shade, ilk and political persuasion didn't feel the joy, and were ready for a secure boarder, security for their family and MOST OF ALL a better economy. Oh, and don't appreciate being called nazi garbage (me included!).
It's a great day in America! Now, let's pray for a safe and secure few month's heading into the January 20th inauguration!