New valves to help control flooding in Charleston during high tides

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - The City of Charleston has recently installed valves which have already shown their usefulness during high tides. 

Many areas of downtown Charleston should have flooded Wednesday night during a period of extremely high tides, but instead remained dry because of the newly installed valves.

The valves are designed to prevent tidal intrusion through the storm drain system, according to City of Charleston Project Manager Frank Newham. It will protect the low-lying areas during the high tides, but Newham wants to be clear they won't protect against storm surge or prevent flooding during extreme rain events.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently released a high tide bulletin which says Charleston may experience periods of the extremely high tide from June to August. The city is hoping those areas prone to flooding during the King tides won't be an issue moving forward.

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