Tense Summerville traffic stop with suspected drunk driver & gun


Investigators say an intoxicated Summerville man heavily damaged a door on a police car and called the responding officer racist following a tense traffic stop involving a gun. 

The Summerville Police Department arrested 34-year-old James Stanley Holman II and charged him with DUI, open container of beer and resisting arrest.

Police say there is also a pending warrant for malicious damage to property. 

On the evening of July 4, an officer stopped Holman for a traffic violation in the area of East Richardson Avenue. 

The responding police officer reported that Holman appeared to be intoxicated and would not listen to his commands. 

SPD officials say at one point, after the officer asked Holman if he had a gun, Holman began to reach for the center console and ignored the officer's order to stop.

A police report states Holman reached down at the console and had his hand on a gun, at which point the officer drew his gun and pointed it at Holman. 

According to the report, it took three officers to detain Holman and place him into the rear of a patrol car where he continued to resist arrest. 

The report states Holman told the officer he was a "racist cop" and that he was going to have his job. 

Police say Holman also kicked one of the rear doors of the patrol car doing heavy damage to the point that the door could not be closed properly. 

Investigators said an unloaded 9 mm gun was found in the console of Holman's car. 

Dash camera footage of the incident was released late Thursday night and showed the traffic stop as well as the suspect in the back of the patrol car. 

Traffic violation leads to stop 

The whole incident started when a police officer reported observing a car that appeared to be speeding and changing lanes improperly.  

The officer stopped the car on South Magnolia Street and reported the driver, identified as Holman, appeared to have "droopy eyelids, and his face appeared depressed." 

The officer told Holman he stopped him because he was speeding and shifting lanes improperly. 

According to the officer, Holman asked in a "slurred tone" if the officer had captured the violation on camera to which the officer replied,"Yes." The officer's report states the violation was partially captured due to the distance between the two vehicles. 

The officer said when he asked Holman where he was going, Holman said that information did not matter, and the only thing that mattered was the reason he was stopped. 

The officer reported that Holman's speech continued to be slurred and broken, and it was clear he was heavily intoxicated.  When the officer asked Holman if he had been drinking, Holman said he had not, according to police. 

Holman reportedly asked the officer again why he was stopped and said he didn't hear the officer the first time. When the officer said that he was stopped for shifting lanes, Holman said that it was a lie, police said. 

The incident report states that at this time, the officer saw a loaded firearm magazine near the center console, and asked Holman if there were any guns in the car to which Holman said there were and began reaching for the glove compartment. 

The officer said he told Holman to stop and listen to him, but Holman interrupted him and said,"No, you listen."

Holman said the gun was registered, and opened the glove compartment and placed the gun magazine inside of it and closed it, SPD officials said. 

When the officer asked where the gun was, Holman began reaching for the center console at which point the officer gave "loud verbal commands" for Holman not to reach for anything and to tell him where the gun was, police said. 

A police report states Holman ignored the officer's commands, opened the center console where a gun was seen. 

The officer said he ordered Holman to put his hands on the steering wheel, but Holman continued to ignore the officer, reached down and put his hand on the gun. 

At this point, police say the responding officer drew his gun and pointed it at Holman and yelled at him to put his hands on the steering wheel. Another officer then arrived on scene, drew her weapon and covered the responding officer. 

Holman then opened his hands, showing the officer his hands were empty and then "pointed them toward" the officer. 

The officer said he yelled at Holman to place his hands on the steering wheel. However the officer said once he realized that Holman was not going to comply, the officer told him not to move and stay where he was. 

Authorities say another officer arrived who along with the responding officer gave Holman commands to get out of the car. 

"He yelled and screamed at us and refused to listen to our commands," the responding officer said in a report. 

According to police, Holman eventually got out of the car on his own and was told that he was being placed under arrest for DUI due to his slurred speech and the strong odor of alcohol coming from him. 

Police say Holman resisted arrest and pulled away from the officers who were attempting to handcuff him. Authorities say it took three officers to detain Holman and place him in handcuffs. 

The responding officer said when he advised Holman of his Miranda Rights, Holman screamed and yelled stating the officer "was a racist cop" and that he was going to have his job. 

Authorities say as the officer attempted to get Holman in the rear of his patrol car, Holman said he was not going in the car. The officer said he asked politely for Holman to sit down, but he refused, "locked his body out and would not get into the car."

According to the officer, he used a move which he describes as a "digital touch pressure on the jugular notch pressure point" in an attempt to get Holman to sit down, but that was unsuccessful. Officers say after they were able to get Holman in the car, Holman prevented police from closing the rear passengers doors, and prevented them from securing a seatbelt on him. 

"After several minutes we were able to finally secure him in the rear of my patrol car but unrestrained by a seatbelt due to Holman's drunken and combative nature," the officer wrote in a report. 

The officer said he searched Holman's car and found an unloaded 9mm gun in the center console and a nearly empty beer bottle in a pocket behind the front passenger seat. 

The officer reported that as he was displaying the bottle to his in-car video camera, he noticed the patrol car was rocking back and forth. Police say Holman was violently kicking a rear door attempting to get out. 

The officer said as he was transporting Holman to jail and advising him of his Miranda Rights, Holman continued to yell "racially charged statements" calling the officer a "racist cracker." 

"He stated his mother worked for the NAACP and that he was going to have my job," the officer stated in a report."He also stated he was going to make sure the video went viral."

Police say Holman continued to yell and scream at jail staff in a "drunken manner." The officer said jail staff had a difficult time getting Holman to calm down. 

According to the officer, when he got back to his patrol car to search for contraband, he noticed that the right rear passenger door had sustained heavy damage where Holman had been kicking it. 

According to police, the door lock was not working and the door could not be closed properly. 

"There was a noticeable gap between the door and the frame of the car while the door was in the closed position," the officer reported. 

The officer said when he presented a copy of Holman's consent rights, Holman tossed the advisement on the floor and began yelling.

Holman said he was not going to do anything without his lawyer present. 

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