Charleston International Airport to install gunshot detection software outs

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - The Charleston International Airport will soon be the first in the United States to install a gunshot detection system in the area before security which includes check in and baggage claim.

The airport has selected Guardian Indoor Active Shooter Detection as its reporting system, which has the capability of detecting acoustic gunshot signatures and a visual flash from a gunshot. The software then notifies first responders.

“Safety is our first priority,” Paul Campbell, Executive Director and CEO of the Charleston County Aviation Authority said. “With this system our first responders will quickly receive shot location information so they can respond directly to a verified threat with added situational awareness. It’s lifesaving technology that adds a vital layer of security against the active shooter threat.”

The system has been operational at airport administration buildings since 2017, but Charleston International is the first to install it in a public terminal.

“Together with our partner Johnson Controls, we are extremely pleased to add Charleston to SDS’ growing list of aviation and transportation customers,” Dan Marshall, Director of Federal Accounts for Shooter Detection Systems said. “By selecting DHS certified active shooter detection technology that seamlessly integrates with their existing security technologies, the airport’s security forces and area first responders will now have maximum situational awareness to respond faster and save lives when seconds matter most to the airport’s passengers, vendors, and staff.”

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