Cunningham leading in donations over Arrington

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - Amid campaign finance season, new campaign finance records that were released on Tuesday that show how much money is coming in to the South Carolina District 1 Congressional Candidates.

Democratic Candidate Joe Cunningham has raised $865,199 and Republican Candidate Katie Arrington has raised $539,477.

“We have thousands of donations and compared to our opponent who has hundreds, I think it signals the momentum leading in the last three weeks in the campaign,” Cunnigham said. “We have continuously out raised our opponent and that’s because our message is resonating with people.”

“We’re in a great place,” Arrington said. “I have the resources that are going to be needed to win this election. I’m proud of the individuals in South Carolina that has come out to support me."

Cunnigham has raised roughly $300,000 more than his opponent and has centered his campaign around not taking money from PACs or special interest groups.

“Where your treasure is there is your heart also, and we’re not taking any money from PACs or special interest because your heart is with the people,” Cunningham said.

Live 5 News asked Arrington how she plans on representing South Carolina with PAC money coming in.

“I’m very proud of it,” Arrington said. “I’m proud Boeing supported my campaign, the US Chamber of Commerce supported my campaign, the National Federation of Businesses. These are people who know I’m going to work hard to keep taxes low and keep operations for jobs so I’m very proud of what we’ve raised.”

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