A Roper St. Francis volunteer steps down after 42 years

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - Many employees and volunteers are going to work at Roper Hospital in downtown Charleston on Thursday morning, but a familiar face won’t be.

90-year-old Betty Saulisbury volunteered for 42 years, and Wednesday was her last day on the job. She logged in more than 36,000 hours during her time, and the hospital is hoping her dedication inspires others to volunteer.

Some positions folks can volunteer at include customer service or the information desk. If interacting with patients is more your thing, guiding visitors or pushing wheelchairs are also places the hospital would appreciate some extra help.

Roper St. Francis’ volunteer coordinator Joan Perry says all volunteers are trained. "It takes a special kind of person,” Perry said. “Someone who is a kind, joyful, and calm.”

Someone who is just like Betty.

“I recommend anybody to come down and volunteer,” Saulisbury said. “Everybody says you got a talent of some kind, and I think my talent is to make people smile, and be happy." And she did that for 42 years.

If you’re interested in volunteering, you’re asked to reach out the volunteer department at Roper St. Francis at 843-724-2080.

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