Lowcountry coast guard families breathing sigh of relief but still worried

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - Coast Guard families across the country and in the Lowcountry are eagerly waiting for their first paychecks to hit their accounts after a month of no pay.

Some Lowcountry family members say they are excited for this relief but worried that it is only temporary.

“It was pretty disheartening seeing my husband go to work every day but not see a paycheck, Misty Gilbert, a Coast Guard wife, says.

Gilbert says she breathed a sigh of relief on Friday when she saw President Trump’s announcement saying the government is back open temporarily.

This reopening is only for three weeks.

On Feb. 15, Trump says he will declare another partial government shutdown if the funds for his border wall are not made available. Until then, all government employees will be getting steady paychecks and get their backpay as well.

Some Lowcountry wives say they don’t want to get their hopes up.

“For us it’s to make sure we can take care of ourselves, pay some bills, but be prepared for the storm coming,” Gilbert says.

But these families say now the February shutdown deadline is looming.

“I think a lot of people don’t understand that a lot of military live below the poverty line so it’s difficult to save,” Jennifer Mullens, another Coast Guard wife, says.

And as the next shutdown date nears closer, these families say preparation is key, but easier said than done.

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