People voice desire for change at gun safety town hall

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - On Saturday, a gun safety town hall meeting brought dozens to Ebenezer A.M.E. Church to learn how they can act against gun violence

This forum comes during the same time of local leaders trying to push bills through the house that would close the “Charleston Loophole.”

The diverse panel included Congressmen Joe Cunningham, a Ft. Dorchester High School Student advocate, the sister of a woman shot and killed, and a veteran were just a few of the people introduced to speak to the crowd.

During the town hall, the panel spoke in favor of change.

“I realize we can’t legislate evil, but we can take common sense step to make sure firearms don’t fall into the hands of mentally ill or felons,” Congressman Joe Cunningham said.

Many said that the shooting crisis needs a long-term solution.

“It wasn’t just Sandy Hook, we had children murdered and nothing happened but prayers,” a speaker said.

Those are the words that caused panel speaker Joseph Sakin, the director of emergency trauma surgery at Johns Hopkins, to remember his “wrong place at the wrong time” moment.

“Look at the faces of those mothers father sisters’ brothers and tell them their loved one isn’t coming home that’s devastating,” Sakin said.

Cunningham said he wants to do everything he can to make sure less people have to face that kind of news.

“I have faith the senate will send it to the president’s desk,” Cunningham said.

This safety town hall was one of several similar events held this week, all in favor of pushing the bill that would close the Charleston loophole so that gun reform action can begin.

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