Fox Sports Announces New Gambling App

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Fox Sports Announces New Gambling App

  • Whereas betting on organized sports games was once an under-the-table venture, it's now gone public in a big way. Fox Sports has announced the rollout of a new online betting service.
  • Called Fox Bet, the product is expected to launch this Fall in two versions: a no-money betting-for-fun app and a real money wagering platform that will be available in states that allow sports gambling. The move, which came about after Fox sunk $236 million into The Stars Group, makes Fox Bet the first-ever sports gambling product backed by a major media company.
  • Currently, sports gambling is legal in eight states. However, that number could grow to 15 by the year's end and 30 by the end of 2020.
  • With so many casinos and betting apps, do you think the days are numbered for Las Vegas and Atlantic City?

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