Parents upset over possible changes to CCSD schools

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Parents attending the Charleston County District 2 Constituent School Board on Wednesday left with questions about the future of some schools.

The school district changed some recommendations that would eliminate the partial magnet of one Mount Pleasant school.

Originally, the proposal would have affected James B. Edwards Elementary, Sullivan’s Island Elementary, and Laing Middle School.

Now, only James. B Edwards Elementary could lose its partial magnet status.

The recommendation would grandfather in all current partial magnet students and would allow students living outside a school’s attendance zone to use the district’s transfer process to apply.

Under the new proposals, Laing Middle School would go from a partial magnet to a constituent magnet school. That means they would only accept applications from District 1 and District 2 students.

The biggest question parents still had from the meeting was what will happen to Sullivan’s Island Elementary.

School district officials now recommend that the school board works with the District 2 constituent board to look at the school’s attendance zone.

“I’m very confused after tonight’s recommendations, they’ve dropped the language of partial magnet at Sullivan’s but only for one year,” said Liz Firestone, who has children at the elementary school. “It just seems to me like the changes will still come. I’m obviously still upset.”

Sarah Johnson is the chair of the District 2 Constituent School Board.

She says if Sullivan’s Island elementary gets its partial magnet status taken away, they would have to rezone 200 kids out of the school. Then, they would have to rezone 200 more students from Mount Pleasant to Sullivan’s Island.

“It would continue to be a disruption for these mt pleasant families that will be bused over a bridge to Sullivan’s Island when they didn’t chose to go there and their neighborhood school is right down the street,” Johnson said.

The Charleston County School District board could vote on these recommendations on Nov. 18.

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