Elizabeth Warren campaigns at College of Charleston

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren spoke to more than 800 people at the College of Charleston’s latest Bully Pulpit series event Sunday afternoon.

Warren spoke about her history as a special education teacher, but spent the majority of her time on stage taking questions from audience members on key issues like gun control and climate change.

"When I start to think about how we're going to design a plan around the response to climate change, for me, the question of environmental justice is not one we can tack on at the end," Warren said. "It's one that has to be right at the center from the beginning."

The College of Charleston's Bully Pulpit series that aims to spark political participation in college students.

Senior Emma Gourdie said she feels drawn to Warren's campaign.

"She's been an education teacher, a special education teacher," Gourdie said." Education is something that's really close to my heart. Im really passionate about it and I know that's where her passion is going to be."

While at the college, Warren also directly addressed her concerns for the current 2020 democratic race after fellow candidate and senator Kamala Harris dropped out on Tuesday.

"I think that tells us something is very wrong with our democracy if, in a democratic primary, a woman who as been elected to office, a woman who has such an incredible track record, a woman who has a unique voice gets squeezed out while billionaires buy their way in," Warren told reporters.

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