BFF: Media, Dems trying to divide us!

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This week's 'Big Fail Friday' broadcast highlights the awful attempts of racist trolls on Twitter pushing out fake false quotes that Rush Limbaugh NEVER SAID!!!!

@simulatednpc via Twitter
"You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.” he said that and you're still defending him? EFFING sellout

Check out his producer of 30-yrs, who is black, react to the horrific claims that continue spread across social streams.

@BoSnerdley via Twitter
This is beyond the pale. Blatant lie. Made up quote. And you should be ashamed of yourself for spreading such vicious, hateful slander. You are just as responsible for fomenting hatred and division in this country - by spreading hateful lies as the author.

Be sure to hit play on below podcast of 'The Kelly Golden Show' where SC's GOP Chair Drew McKissick joins me to react to President Trump's acquittal. And, stick around for caller Nate's plea for black america to 'wake up' and 'walk away' after watching Democrats react to the 2020 State of the Union Speech.

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