City of Charleston reconsiders plans for dangerous intersection

By Paola Tristan Arruda|February 11, 2020 at 8:57 PM EST - Updated February 11 at 11:43 PM

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - The City of Charleston is going back to the drawing board to try and come up with solutions for a dangerous intersection.

City officials say around 30 cars attempt to take a left turn on Riverland Drive from Maybank Highway during busy hours.

According to the state’s Department of Public Safety, there have been 135 wrecks at that intersection within the last six years.

On Tuesday, city council members were set to vote on a recommendation to help with the issues at the intersection. The proposal would have stopped drivers from making a left hand turn onto Riverland, and redirected traffic to Golfview Drive.

After backlash from neighbors, council members deferred the vote in order to try and come up with better solutions.

"We need to make sure we do something since that is a dangerous intersection," Councilman Mike Seekings said. "We need to get on it quickly, but we need to do it in a way that gives the best opportunity for us to succeed in safety and to protect the livability and quality of life of the citizens in that area."

Madeline Britton lives on Golfview Drive and says she wants the city to consider putting a left hand turn signal at the intersection, and also invest in cameras.

"We want this intersection to be safe, but we don't want to put our safety at risk,"Britton said.

Seekings said he hopes to meet with the city’s traffic and transportation department, as well as the Department of Transportation, to see what recommendations they can come up with.

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