S.C. Aquarium to close through end of March

ByPatrick Phillips|March 16, 2020 at 6:33 AM EDT - Updated March 16 at 8:31 AM

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - The South Carolina Aquarium announced Sunday night it will close temporarily to help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Aquarium officials posted on the site’s Facebook page Sunday night that in light of Gov. Henry McMaster’s order to close schools and restrict public gatherings, the aquarium would likewise close through March 31.

“Our team of animal care experts will be on site to take care of the scaly, furry and feathered members of the Aquarium family,” the post states.

Riverbanks Zoo & Garden in Columbia also announced on Sundayit would close through the end of the month.

The Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum in Mount Pleasant was operating as normal. Staffers are continuing to follow directives issued by state and county leaders and their custodial team is working hard to ensure the cleanliness of the museum, according to a Facebook post. Hand sanitizing stations are located throughout the property.

Boone Hall Plantation and Gardens is open and spokesman Rick Benthall says the staff implemented a number of precautionary measures including wiping down frequently touched surfaces between every tour, frequent hand washing, and adding hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipe stations and trash cans.

McMaster announced an order to shut down all public schools, colleges and universities through at least March 31 to help prevent any further spread of COVID-19.

The state’s Department of Health and Environmental Control announced nine new cases, bringing the total confirmed or possible cases to 28. Health experts say they expect the number to increase, but insist that there is no reason to panic.

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Photo: Live 5 News

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