Residents applaud restrictions on entering Sullivan’s Island

By Harve Jacobs|March 23, 2020 at 7:25 PM EDT - Updated March 23 at 7:44 PM

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Residents on Sullivan’s Island say they support restrictions on entering the town.

On Sunday, town council amended a previous ordinance that now restricts access from 7 a.m till 7 p.m. for 14 days due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Police have a checkpoint set up at the entrance to town.

Only residents and people who work on the island are allowed to go through the checkpoint.

A proper form of identification or a window sticker are required for entrance.

Folks who live on the island say the restrictions are the right thing to do.

“Sullivan’s Island used to be a quaint little town. In the last 15 to 20 years it’s become a popular hot spot, and I think last Saturday it was amazing how many people were out here,” Turner Fabian said. “I feel a little safer now since it’s residents only.”

“I feel there’s too many people. I feel like me and my son can be safe with the distance,” resident Jennifer Helms said. “When we did not have the restrictions there was a whole bunch of people like 4th of July and it was a awful.”

The main part of town looks like a ghost town. Most businesses are closed.

The post office is only allowing two customers in at a time.

The owner of Cafe’ Roux is trying to stay in business by offering takeout.

Owner Robert Wray says the restrictions are making it tough for him.

“A lot of times we depend on the people, the vacationers and the people from outside in Mt. Pleasant. So right now we’re trying to survive on our locals here on the island, IOP,” Wray said.

Folks who live on Sullivan’s Island are hoping their town will return to normal soon, but understand it will take some time.

They know that their safety is top priority right now.

“I think we just all need to hunker down and do our part, we’ll get through it,” resident Kathy McCarter said.

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