Please, stop 'shaming' cops

Reading some of the recent social posts of the wives of law enforcement officers and first responders lately just tears me up inside.

To the Silent Police Spouse:
I know what you’re thinking...
“Here we go again.”
The actions of some has once again become the blame of them all.
You want to speak out. You have a voice, too. But let’s face it- no one will understand no matter WHAT you say.
And so, you sit in silence.
If you dare to make a peep, you will be ridiculed.
If you dare to speak one way or another, you will be accused for saying something you literally did NOT say.
If you dare to defend your spouse and the others who represent the Good, you will be socially DEMOLISHED.
All because you want to protect your spouse, and your family, from any potential harm.
And so, you sit in silence.
Either way, you are a target- despite the fact your spouse is not one of them. Despite the fact most of his/her coworkers aren’t “one of them”.
The actions of some has once again become the blame of them all.
You are the one standing behind the one who holds the line, and for that you too are the enemy.
You want to use your voice, but you can’t.
Yet once more, you send off your spouse for another shift, and once more: Pray s/he comes home.
And so, you sit in silence.
Praying. Waiting. Crying. Not able to sleep.
To the Silent Police Spouse:
I hear your Silence.
Credit Dana Shook.

Here's another from friends/family of LEO community I've come across in my social feed recently:

In the last 96 hours...
-A Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officer was shot in the back of the head while struggling with a rioter
-An active shooter opened fire on law enforcement at a Las Vegas courthouse
-4 St. Louis Police Officers were shot by an active shooter
-A New York Police Officer was struck by a vehicle
-3 Buffalo law enforcement officers were struck by a vehicle in front of the police station
-3 Davenport law enforcement officers were ambushed and 1 was shot
-132 officers were injured in Chicago during a riot
-9 Pittsburg officers were injured by objects during a riot
-Several officers in Rhode Island were injured during riots
-An active shooter opened fire at the Oakland Police Department
-2 officers were struck in the head with projectiles in Santa Ana
-2 Richland officers were shot in Virginia
-1 officer was struck in the head by a brick in Albany
-4 Prince William County Police Officers sustained head injuries from projectiles
-7 officers were injured in Sacramento
-Several officers were shot at and injured in Lynchburg
-Several Champaign Police Officers were injured
-3 Oak Law Police Officers were injured
-21 officers were injured in Salt Lake City
-At least 50 Secret Service Agents were injured by Molotov cocktails in Washington
-3 Denver Police Officers were ran over by a vehicle
-33 New York Police Officers were injured during riots
-6 Athens Police Officers injured during a protest
-2 Capitol Police Officers were injured during a riot in Harrisburg
-12 Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officers were injured during riots
-21 Minneapolis law enforcement officers injured in riots
-1 Federal Protective Services Officer was shot and killed.

Take a listen to my recent talks with Mount Pleasant Police Chief Carl Richie on a path forward together, as well as Berkeley County Sheriff Dewayne Lewis on 'The Kelly Golden Show' on 94.3 WSC.

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