SC 'Trumptilla' breaks world record

Trump's re-election in trouble?

SC GOP Chair Drew McKissick and talk host Kelly Golden 'dive deep' into this week's top stories including the massive showing of American patriotism and support for POTUS 45.

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More than 3,400 boats participated in Lake Murray parade in support of President Trump, organizers say the “Trumptilla” stretched 16 miles -- 3,417 boats participated in the parade, with more than 30,000 people on board.

“I do have to give credit to the 1 boat that I counted that was proudly displaying his Joe Biden flag. You sir are as optimistic as they come!”

Jason Cline said the parade broke a world record due its large size. The Guinness World Record for largest boat parade was set in Malaysia in 2014 with 1,180 boats. Its website has not yet been updated to recognize the Lake Murray parade.

The Lake Murray parade was one of a few held across the state in support of Trump over the July Fourth weekend.

Organizers say they plan to do this every year now.

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