Fans have more questions than answers after Kanye West’s Charleston stop

By Kaitlin Stansell | July 19, 2020 at 10:36 PM EDT - Updated July 20 at 5:45 AM

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Kanye West’s first rally to kick off his presidential campaign coincided with a tight deadline to get his name on the ballot in South Carolina, but Kanye’s message left many people with questions about his run for office.

It seems that Kanye West’s first campaign rally here in South Carolina for his bid for the presidency did little to give confidence to voters about his run for the Oval Office.

Just as he walked up on stage he decided he wasn’t going to use a microphone despite his extensive audio equipment.

Kanye West took the stage wearing what appeared to be a tactical vest and the numbers 2020 cut and painted into his hair.

“Do you realize I’m putting my life on the line for the truth right now,” He said. “They are going to run this and try to tell you I’m crazy. The world’s crazy.”

Not only did attendees struggle to hear his message, but they struggled to understand it at times, too.

“I think Kanye’s a little bit bizarre. He gives me demi-God vibes. It seems he’s very drastic in his views, and we don’t really know where he lands,” Esante McIntyre, a rally attendee, said.

Kanye’s first rally to kick off his presidential campaign included more emotions and rambling than it did information about his strategy to win over voters in the Palmetto State.

He broke into tears at one point as he talked about his initial desire for his wife to abort their daughter.

“She said she was pregnant, and for one month and two months we talked about her not having this child and she had the pills in her hand.”

He said a message from God changed his mind.

“As a Kanye West fan, this was very hurtful and gut-wrenching to watch.” Johnathan Thrower, another attendee, said.

Kanye said his solution to the debate over planned parenthood would be keeping abortion legal but he suggested creating an option for "maximum increase" for pregnant mothers.

“Maximum increase would be everybody that has a baby gets a million dollars.”

Kanye admitted during his speech that he didn’t care if he won the presidency or not and the message left a sour taste in the mouths of many.

“Epic disaster…and I gave Kanye a chance…he really didn’t bring anything to the table we could really understand as being an agenda,” Thrower said.

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