Charleston Co. School Board may approve $500 teacher bonuses

By Rob Way | September 28, 2020 at 11:38 AM EDT - Updated September 28 at 11:38 AM

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - The Charleston County School Board is set to vote Monday on a one-time bonus for its teachers and school-based staff for their work during the pandemic.

If approved, all teachers and school-based administrators will get a $500 salary bonus and non-exempt school-based staff will get $250. The payments would be made on Oct. 30.

“This is not a hazard pay or money to buy supplies,” School Board Chair Rev. Dr. Eric Mack said last week. “This is our way of saying thank you to our teachers and other school-based employees who are overcoming truly unprecedented conditions.”

Mack said the funds will cost the district around $4 million and will come out of the approved budget reserves.

During Monday’s meeting, Superintendent Dr. Gerrita Postlewait is also set to give an update on the school district’s metrics and reopening plans.

By Oct. 1, the county’s high schools are set to welcome back all students in person who were on the waitlist. Next month, 19,765 or about 40-percent of the district’s students will be learning inside a building.

The meeting starts at 4 p.m. and can be watched here.

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