City of Folly Beach extends mask ordinance through Dec. 14

By Live 5 Web Staff | October 13, 2020 at 10:01 PM EDT - Updated October 13 at 10:02 PM

FOLLY BEACH, S.C. (WCSC) - The City of Folly Beach has extended its mask ordinance through Dec. 14.

The ordinance states that every person working, living, visiting, or doing business in Folly Beach is required to wear a face covering while in any indoor or outdoor public place.

This includes inside a building open to the public, waiting to enter a building open to the public, and interacting with other people in outdoor spaces.

Businesses must require all employees to wear a face covering at all times.

People exempt from the ordinance including children under the age of 3 years old, people who cannot wear one due to a health condition, people in personal vehicles and people outside while maintaining a minimum of six feet from other people.

The exemption also includes customers seated in a restaurant or bar while actively eating or drinking so long as they maintain a minimum of six feet from other persons in the establishment, other than members of their households.

Violators could face a $100 fine.

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