Republican Senators vote YES for Heartbeat Bill

Republican Senators vote YES for Heartbeat Bill (S.1) After Second Reading

(Columbia, S.C.) – The S.C. Senate began floor debate on Heartbeat Bill (S.1) yesterday afternoon. Today 29 out of 30 Republican state senators voted YES after hearing the second reading of the bill, putting it just one step away from being passed out of the chamber and sent to the S.C. House. See below for SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick's statement on the vote:

"I've said it before and I'll say it again–issues win campaigns because people care about issues, and one of the biggest issues South Carolinians care about is protecting the unborn," said SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick. "We have a majority of 30 Republicans out of 46 senators, which is the most we've had in more than 140 years. Today all but one of them voted to advance the important Heartbeat Bill to a third reading. I want to thank Senate leadership, and particularly Leader Shane Massey, on making sure this bill is headed to a third reading. We're happy with this huge step forward, and I think it's safe to say South Carolinians will be too."

SCGOP Chairman McKissick's statement on the attempt to impeach President Trump

"After refusing to accept the 2016 election results, claiming the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia, then spending an absurd amount of taxpayer dollars on a witch hunt, Democrats have been looking for any excuse to get rid of President Trump ever since he set foot in the Oval Office.

"Trying to impeach the President with just a week left in his term is nothing more than a political stunt. It will do nothing but harm the country and our Party. We completely disagree with this sham and to say I'm severely disappointed in Congressman Tom Rice would be an understatement."

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