Ga. Mom Sparks Change in SC: 'Stand Together'

Last week, video went viral of this Ga. mom done with the masking of her small child all day, even on the playground.

Now, others are following and taking the lead, ready to pack their school board meetings demanding a dialogue.

Check out the lowcountry mom of 5-yr-old who calls into 'The Kelly Golden Show' inviting all parents, perhaps tired like she is, of torturing their children with mask after more than a year of this pandemic - to speak out.

Jessica tells me she doesn't do social media, but you can see many others are joining (below tweet) in asking you take a stand with them at Monday (to)night's CCSD school board meeting to unmask the children.

"Monday afternoon we stand up for our kids at CCSD meeting. Moms say no masks for lowcountry kids!"

Take a listen to her full call-in today:

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