PODCAST: Lowcountry Reaction to the Chaos in Kabul

Photo: Moment RF

President Biden will speak about Afghanistan this afternoon when he addresses the nation at 3:45 EST from the White House (click here to watch live stream). It comes as the Taliban gained control of the capital city of Kabul after the Afghan President fled the country.

Meanwhile, callers, like this US Army veteran [@JTBessenger] flooded ‘The Kelly Golden Show’ phone lines today with gut wrenching reactions. Take a listen to the full podcast + video below:

*Violent Content + Language Warnings*

"Every American should be outraged, disappointed and demand our President step down and resign. For over 20 years we as Americans have invested so much in Afghanistan… our Troops have sacrificed more than words can describe. I’ve spoken to hundreds of troops who served and sacrificed in Afghanistan. I have thanked all of them for their service and listened to countless stories of heroism and bravery. I am at a loss for words.
This video (below) shows the current situation and how desperate people are to leave their home country of Afghanistan and be with Americans. These people are so desperate to leave, they are hanging onto departing planes as if a Zombie apocalypse is chasing them. It is a different apocalypse taking over, one that is worse than death for most.
There is a right and wrong way to do things. How we pulled out of Afghanistan was wrong. This is a full representation of our current administration, they are a disgrace and have made the World less safe for everyone.
We need to stop focusing on being Politically correct and who we offend.
We are going backwards, not forward.
We need strong Men and women to step forward and do what’s right. Not step down and be weak.
This is all about Politics and back door deals.
We all need to know what’s happening and be very aware."
- TheManSpot via Instagram

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