Who are the Conservatives on Tuesday's ballot?

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Non-partisan elections are tough when you want to know which way a candidate leans 'politically'. While we haven't been able to nail down EVERY conservative or independent leaning candidate on the ballot coming up this Tuesday, November 2nd, a few have called into the morning show recently. That includes current Town Councilwoman Kathy Landing running for Mayor in Mount Pleasant.

Landing was quick to point out why she feels she's the REAL conservative in the race. Take a listen:

When asked which Mount Pleasant Town Council folks we thought were 'pro freedom' and tended to be 'anti mandates' and 'lockdowns' these names came to mind: Former Police Chief Carl Richie, Gary Santos, Jason Daily, John Iacofano, Shari Sebuck

Over in the City of Charleston, Harry Griffin and Caroline Parker are clear conservative leaning candidates who are worthy of a vote. Parker was featured in below podcast that's on demand here now. Take a listen:

If you are on Tuesday's ballot and wish to add your name to this post as someone who supports liberty, personal responsibility, law enforcement and are anti-mandates/lockdowns, please email Kelly@943wsc.com


Check your ballot, absentee ballot and polling location HERE

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