City of Hanahan looking for community input on long-term comprehensive plan

Cooperation is the key for success

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HANAHAN, S.C. (WCSC) - City of Hanahan looking for community input on long-term comprehensive plan

The City of Hanahan is working on developing their long-term comprehensive plan for the city, and they are hoping to get community wide input on the plan in the coming weeks.

According to the city, this new comprehensive plan—called Hanahan 2040: Pathway to the Future—is a roadmap or a guide for the city for the next couple of decades.

Because the plan will direct a lot of decisions in the coming years, the city is asking for public input to know what the community’s priorities are and what people think Hanahan’s strengths and weaknesses are, too.

Elements of the plan include transportation, community facilities, housing and more.

The community workshops or public meetings are an opportunity for the city to gather important information from people who live here, as well as business and property owners.

“The public are the ones who are going to live in the city, and this is their plan, really,” Kathryn Basha, the Planning Director for the Berkeley Charleston Dorchester Council of Governments, said. “People move to an area and they expect either things to stay the same or they’re going to change. This is an opportunity for them to have some input on that.”

There will be additional in-person workshops to get more community input on Monday, Nov. 29 and Tuesday Nov. 30. There will also be a hybrid meeting with both in-person and online participation on Thursday, Dec. 2.

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