Goose Creek Police investigating rental scams

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GOOSE CREEK, S.C. (WCSC) - The Goose Creek Police Department says they are investigating rental scams in the area. 

Victims are responding to advertisements found on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist, given lockbox codes to view properties and in some cases moving into properties, Police Spokesman James Brown says. 

“The scammers are requesting payments for initial deposits and rental payments through services such as Venmo, Apple Pay, Cash App, and Zelle,” Brown says. “The victims later discover they made payments to individuals who were not authorized to lease the properties.” 

READ MORE: Live 5 Investigates: Scammers mimic legit listings to trick would-be renters 

According to Brown, investigators have spoken with rental companies and confirmed they do not list on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist and are urging caution when responding to advertisements that do not originate from a reliable source. 

Officers are asking anyone with information to contact the Goose Creek Police Department at 843-863-5200 or Crimestoppers of the Lowcountry at 843-554-1111. 

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