Charleston approves grant to give convicted Veterans service, not jail time

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CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCSC) - A new $210,000 grant is looking to provide Veterans resources instead of jail time if they have committed a crime.

The Charleston County Council approves the grant to go towards a liaison that will provide services like mental health and drug and alcohol treatment to Veterans.

The purpose of the position is to bridge gaps in the process of identifying veterans who are entitled to VA services instead of going to jail. That is according to a request brought to the county by Probate Judge Irv Condon.

The request states these services will be provided by the VA and the efforts of the liaison will minimize jail days in the detention center.

The Ralph H. Johnson VA Health Care System said in a statement they support any initiatives that bring assistance to Veterans in the Charleston community.

Brandon Wilson, the public information director from the South Carolina Department of Veteran Affairs, also provided a statement in response to this grant.

SCDVA is in support of the creation, expansion and increased funding for Veterans Treatment Courts across the state. We also continue to advocate for funding to assist our under-resourced counties where these courts are currently not available.

This grant will be allocated $70,000 each year over the course of three years.

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