SC Caucus Clash on the Kelly Golden Show

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SC 'Caucus Clash' on the Kelly Golden Show

FINALLY! Both sides sit down, and debate publically first here on News Radio 94.3 WSC

SC Rep. Jordan Pace of the Freedom Caucus -AND- SC GOP Caucus Rep. Matt Leber sit down in studio with 94.3 WSC's Kelly Golden to hash out why this so-called 'brewing revolt' is actually happening. And, discuss ways of 'ending' what the talk host dubbed a potential 'colossal waste of everyone's time.'

Here's the full hour plus interview in podcast:

BACKGROUND: '...Results over Rhetoric'

Freedom Caucus members say liberal Republicans are 'weaponizing' procedures to target conservatives, yet, the SC Republican Caucus previously said they 'had no intention of passing a rule that would force all members to sign a loyalty pledge...'

One SC Political strategist told Fox:

"Regular people in South Carolina are tired of people bringing DC politics to our state for their own gain and prefer results over rhetoric. Hopefully they cry about this all session instead of wasting time in the legislature and preventing the grown-ups from solving real problems," the source said.

Glenn Beck weighed in on the controversy on Twitter:

"The GOP in South Carolina seem to have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Support your SC Freedom Caucus over the self serving rhinos. It is time for the @SCGOP to work FOR the PEOPLE," he wrote.

Former SC US Senator Jim DeMint, who is the founder of the Palmetto Promise Institute (PPI) pinned a column, reprinted here with permission, originally appeared in The Greenville News.



'...Instead of passing draconian rules meant to muzzle conservative members, why doesn’t the House GOP Caucus and its members support the reform-minded conservative fighters who are standing on principle in opposition to this pledge? In a state where education is near the bottom in almost every category, where the state income tax is still the highest in the Southeast, and where legislators are choosing judges who believe it’s okay to kill babies, why are we looking to ostracize and attack the members most devoted to fixing these problems?

The swamp water has traveled downstream from the Potomac and has entered the Broad River. And in it, the moderate establishment is working to alienate those who are committed to draining it.

I commend the members who have refused to sign, and I encourage every reader to call your State Representative and ask them to stand with the twenty.'



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