COCKPIT: coverage live from 'Salute from the Shore' flight with 94.3 WSC

94.3 WSC's Kelly Golden covers first run of #SFTS23 from inside a vintage 1961 Focke Wulf FWP-149 (Camouflaged plan privately owned/operated by Pilot Kevin O'Keefe) in flying formation with Air Force Reserve, commercial airline and hobby pilot Will Allen in his 1959 Swiss Pilatus P-3 (red, white, blue plane pictured)

Photo: Kelly Golden

The annual Salute from the Shore includes military planes flying along the coast to honor service members.

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Two vintage planes, four F-16s and a C-17 made their way along South Carolina’s coast as part of a 14-year Fourth of July tradition July 4th, 2023.

The annual Salute from the Shore featured the vintage planes flying from Murrells Inlet to Seabrook, and the F-16s and C-17 flying from Joint Base Charleston and Shaw Air Force Base along the coast, ending their journey in Beaufort.

Spectators watched the skies as the planes soared over Charleston Harbor to honor those in the U.S. Armed Services.

John Robinson, Commander of the 315th Airlift Wing at Joint Base Charleston, says when people see the planes, he hopes they know and feel that the United States is the greatest country in the world.

“I heard someone say recently that every time that cargo door opens, someone’s life is going to change,” Robinson says. “Sometimes that can be in a combat way, many times, it’s in a humanitarian way, but always in a way of hope for people who see that flag.”

Salute from the Shore organizers say all of the older planes are flown by volunteer pilots. Destinations along the salute flight Included Folly Beach, Murrells Inlet, Pawleys Island, Isle of Palms and Charleston Harbor.

Copyright 2023 WCSC. All rights reserved.

94.3 WSC's Kelly Golden covers first run of #SFTS23 from inside a vintage 1961 Focke Wulf FWP-149 (Camouflaged plan privately owned/operated by Pilot Kevin O'Keefe) in flying formation with Air Force Reserve, commercial airline and hobby pilot Will Allen in his 1959 Swiss Pilatus P-3 (red, white, blue plane pictured)

Photo: Kelly Golden + Allen Swiss Pilatus P-3 Crew

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