Polar Plunge on IOP benefit S.C. Special Olympics

ISLE OF PALMS, S.C. (WCIV) — It's almost time to wash yourself in the frigid waves of the Atlantic Ocean for a good cause.

The 2018 Isle of Palms Polar Plunge will be held Saturday, February 17. Registration will begin at 10:30 a.m. The plunge party goes from 10:30 a.m. to Noon. The plunge itself will happen at "noonish."

The event raises money for S.C. Special Olympics.

People are invited to join individually or as a team of friends, family, or co-workers. A minimum donation of $50 earns participants a commemorative t-shirt and tickets for free food and drinks. Other gifts awarded as well, based on the amount of your donation or the money raised.

In South Carolina, over 26,000 persons with intellectual disabilities benefit from the opportunity to participate in Special Olympics," organizers say. 

The organization receives no federal funding and relies on private and corporate support as well as the efforts of hundreds of volunteers to provide services at no cost to the athletes and their families.

Anyone interested in participating or supporting our efforts can visit:


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