Bill Murray, Mickey Mouse favorites among Chas. Co. write-in voters

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - Don’t like anything the candidates on the ballot stand for? Writing in is always an option.

But based on the responses, many Charleston county voters were not happy with the names that appeared on the ballot, so they decided to write in their own. The choices were very interesting to say the least.

If actor and part owner of the Charleston RiverDogs Bill Murray ever decides to run for public office, he would probably win. His name was among the top write-ins, along with Mickey and Minnie Mouse on election day.

You can tell there are lots of sports fans out there because other popular alternates were athletes. They include Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton, Saints quarterback Drew Brees, former Dallas quarterback Troy Aikman and NBA star Lebron James.

Many are fond of dead musicians, because Elvis, Bob Marley and Tupac also were popular write-in names.

And apparently some of you longed for days of old, because names of former politicians also appeared in the write-in box. Outgoing Congressman Mark Sanford was one of them and the other was former longtime Charleston Mayor Joe Riley.

Here are some other notable names that made appearances on ballots across the county: Daffy Duck, Alabama football coach Nick Saban, Elvis, Saints quarterback Drew Brees, Hillary Clinton, Homer Simpson, ‘next best thing’, ‘none’, ‘no choice’, Comedian and Lowcountry native Stephen Colbert, Batman, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Duck, snoopy, ‘none of the above’, Panthers quarterback Cam Newton, ‘eco friendly’, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Francis Marion, Trump, Big Bird, ‘N/A’, nobody, self, abstain, ‘democrat’, ‘republican’, ‘Felix the Cat’, no, America, JFK, former vice president Joe Biden, NBA player Lebron James, ‘Any Democrat’, HUD secretary Ben Carson, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Bob Marley, Bozo the clown, Cher, Clemson coach Dabo Swinney, Curious George, Darth Vader, John Doe, ‘Someone better’, ‘someone’, Actor Tom Cruise, Tony Soprano of the former HBO series, Ironman comic book character Tony Stark, former Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman, Tupac, Actor Tyler Perry, Warren Buffet, former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, ‘Joe Schmoe’, ‘undecided.’

But here’s a suggestion for next time around. How about showing some love for your favorite Live 5 reporters and anchors? Can’t you just see Lowcountry native Bill Sharpe as governor of our great state, Bill Walsh as mayor of a fun city like Folly Beach, and, since he’s been taking a bite out of crime for years here at Live 5, Harve Jacobs would be a perfect write-in for sheriff.

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