CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - The West Ashley Revitalization Committee will meet to discuss restoration opportunities for the Long Branch Creek.
Part of the creek sits behind the Lowe’s Home Improvement near Glenn McConnell Parkway.
City officials would like to help prevent future flooding in the area by preserving the creek. The creek runs from the Glenn McConnell area to the Stono River.
City officials say development has cut off its natural tidal flow so they would like to help restore it.
They would also like to create recreational activities along the creek like crabbing and kayaking. The Church Creek Drainage Basin nearby has caused numerous flooding issues in West Ashley.
The restoration plans for the Long Branch Creek would help prevent flooding issues like that.
After the meeting on Wednesday the next step would be to look into a study of the area to create a plan of action for improvements.
The city is partnering with other agencies and could look to find funding sources soon.
The project is in the beginning stages.
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