CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - The Battery and White Point Gardens in Charleston were slammed during Hurricane Irma in September 2017.
Flooding downtown was the worst some neighbors had seen in years. The storm also brought nearly a million dollars in damage to High Battery.
Repairs started this past December.
A city spokesperson said the work reestablished the rip-rap apron in front of High Battery from the turn to the preservation office.
Last month the city cut the first of two checks for repairs for $539,884.
The next payment will be $430,405. The total repair bill is $970,290.
As we reported in January, FEMA is expected to reimburse the city about 70 percent.
The contractor, SJ Hamill, completed the work the first of March.
This project is separate from the ongoing $60 million project to raise Low Battery in an effort to prevent flooding and reduce damage to the peninsula.
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