DD2 extends safety task force committee, establishes five year plan

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - Dorchester District 2 school officials have voted to keep its Safety Task Force Committee around for another year.

The committee started last year after the Parkland shooting. “Our board wanted and our parents wanted that,” committee chair Tanya Robinson said.

For the last year the group has been looing at ways to improve school security by looking at current safety measures in schools and on buses.

In the last year they’ve come up with ways to improve district safety measures.

“First of all, we passed the first policy in the state of South Carolina on threat assessment and that’s important,” Robinson said. “If you can watch a kindergartner or third grader and assess they’re having problems or troubles you can prevent things from happing in the seventh or ninth grade.”

The committee has also worked to train all staff members to stop the bleed, a nationwide initiative that teaches people how to stop mass bleeding. There are also stop the bleed kits in every school.

Over the course of the next year the group aims to add security to school doors.

“Often times people get in through backdoors because unfortunately children might leave a door open or they’ll knock on the door and another student will let them,” Robinson said. “This alarm will go off locally, not to fire department but let everyone around them will know the door is open.”

Over the next five years the committee plans to have all DD2 staff members take a class in active shooter response.

Copyright 2019 WCSC. All rights reserved.

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