Lowcountry Headlines

Lowcountry Headlines


Folly Beach leaders consider closing beaches and non-essential businesses

By Kaitlin Stansell|March 23, 2020 at 4:37 PM EDT - Updated March 23 at 5:28 PM

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Folly Beach city leaders will meet Tuesday during a special emergency meeting at 10 a.m.

The city council will consider a resolution to give Mayor Tim Goodwin the authority to enact certain emergency provisions allowed by a current city ordinance.

The resolution is an effort to lessen the intensity and duration of the Coronavirus crisis, reduce the stress on first responders and healthcare systems, and prevent unnecessary deaths.

“All citizen must be prepared to make difficult sacrifices,” the resolution states.

Emergency measures could include closing all beach accesses to the public, prohibiting future check ins for short term rentals and overnight accommodations, phasing out the types of non-essential businesses allowed to operate within the city, and other measures proposed for the safety and public health of the city of Folly Beach.

Copyright 2020 WCSC. All rights reserved.

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