By Paola Tristan Arruda | April 28, 2020 at 4:03 PM EDT - Updated April 28 at 11:18 PM
ISLE OF PALMS, S.C. (WCSC) - Isle of Palms City Council voted to extend the city’s checkpoint until May 12.
During Tuesday night's meeting, council members decided to reduce the checkpoint hours.
Starting Friday, May 1, the checkpoints and access restrictions to the island will be enforced between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“We’re trying to be relaxing some of the access times for our neighbors who are inland, knowing they’d like to come out to the beach,” IOP Mayor Jimmy Carroll said. “But we have kept our peak hours in the middle of the day restrictive.”
Property owners will be allowed onto the island if they show proof of ownership, while new check ins for short-term rentals and hotels are still not allowed until May 12.
Council members are discussed implementing other reopening strategies for the island.
Starting on Monday, May 4, some recreational facilities like tennis courts and the island’s soccer field will start to reopen.
More information can be found through an update on the city’s website.
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Photo: Live 5 News