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Public Safety Committee to Receive Preliminary After Action Review

Photo: Getty Images

For Release: October 8, 2020

Public Safety Committee to Receive Preliminary After Action Review

Charleston, S.C.—At this afternoon’s Public Safety Committee meeting, scheduled to take place at 2 p.m. via Zoom, the Charleston Police Department will present the preliminary After Action Review evaluating the police response to the protests and riots that occurred in the city of Charleston on May 30, 2020 and May 31, 2020.

The areas of review were categorized as follows: Command and Control, Internal Communication, External Communication, Resource Accountability and the Response to Civil Disturbances.

The Executive Summary section of the report is attached.

The full report will be available at 1 p.m. atwww.charleston-sc.gov/strengthening-charleston-preliminary-report.

The Public Safety Committee meeting will be livestreamed and can be viewed on the city’s YouTube channel, linked here: https://www.youtube.com/cityofcharlestonscgov.

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