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SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCSC) - The Dorchester District Two school board has officially censured one of their own for conduct unbecoming of a board member.
The unanimous decision is a formal statement disapproving the actions and statements of board member Barbara Crosby. Crosby was not in attendance during the meeting, but sent a statement saying she would not be in attendance because of a family medical emergency.
Ahead of the censure vote, the board read a letter laying a list of reasons for the censure. In the letter, the board cites numerous violations of board policy and the oath of office.
The letter says Crosby read public comments from her phone during a Sept. 1 board workshop when no public comments were allowed. During that same meeting, Crosby stormed out before it was over – conduct the letter says is unbecoming of the office.
In addition, the letter cites comments Crosby made to this station after that meeting. In an online interview, Crosby told Live 5 News “God decides who lives and dies” when discussing what could be done to curb the current epidemic.
However, the strongest allegations against Crosby comes from a Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office investigation. She is accused of leaving her great grandchildren in a running car after arriving late to the Sept. 1 board meeting and was subsequently arrested and released on bond.
She faces two counts of unlawful conduct to a child and one count of statutory misconduct in office.
The censure is largely a symbolic punishment. The board has previously said any substantive action would have to come from the governor’s office. However, the governor’s office says they can’t act either, at least not yet.
“The governor’s authority to suspend elected officials from office comes into play only when someone has been indicted,” reads a statement from the governor’s office.
Crosby could not be reached for comment.
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