CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCSC) - Officials with the Charleston County School District say there have been 610 mask exemptions that have been approved regarding the district’s mask mandate.
In addition, the district says there are 24 students learning virtually because those students do not want to wear a mask in schools.
According to district officials, that number is based on what is entered into the district’s database from their schools.
“If there is a class where a student/students are out because they chose not to adhere to Policy ADD, they are learning virtually,” CCSD officials said. “Teachers have a device set up in the classroom that allows students to learn from home and see live teaching. Students actually in the classroom still participate in normal instruction.”
Last month, School Board Chair Rev. Dr. Eric Mack said they will start enforcing a mandatory mask mandate for all students, teachers, and staff inside district schools which would last through at least Oct. 15.
“We simply cannot sit by and do nothing while those numbers continue to rise and increasing number of students are forced to quarantine because an unmasked person is seated beside them,” Mack said at the time.
Mack said the district planned to use reserve funds to pay for the salaries of those enforcing the mandate, avoiding having to use money from the state.
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