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BATESBURG, S.C. (WIS) - There is still time for you to make a difference for a family in need this holiday season.
The Palmetto Project’s Families Helping Families initiative is underway, and while some families hope to receive a few items, others need a miracle.
Nina Hendricks, a single mother of 3 children - is in that category. In August, her daughter was cooking on the stovetop in their small mobile home in Batesburg, when a fire ignited.
The flames quickly engulfed the kitchen but fortunately, the family escaped.
Firefighters were able to save some of the structure, but not before the home was utterly decimated inside.
Making matters worse, Nina did not have insurance on the property.
“We have nothing,” Henricks said from the doorway of her burned-out mobile home.
“And I feel guilty that I didn’t have things in place to keep us from being in this situation.”
Hendricks’ oldest daughter has cerebral palsy adding another challenge to an already difficult circumstance.
For now, the family stays in Nina’s mother’s home, but it is not a permanent living situation.
While Nina works at a local restaurant, she said the future is looking bleak.
She and her kids are just one of 4000 families that will be assisted by Families Helping Families this year.
While it’s comforting knowing someone will meet a few needs for Christmas, her needs run much deeper.
“It’s a drop in the bucket,” she said through tears.
“I am very grateful to local churches and others who have stepped up to help... but this is life.”
To donate to Families Helping Families or to assist the Hendricks family- click here
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