The MOB continuing to attack Kanye is at the top of my #BigFailFriday list. John Legend attempts to dissuade Kanye from loving Trump, but Yeezy will not be deterred saying he'll cont. to stand his ground despite nasty vile disrespect from Democrat politicians like Maxine Waters who said 'he needs help to think', CNN’s Don Lemon and Black Lives Matter activists ... and the latest - Snoop Dog who photo shopped a WHITE FACED Kanye pic and posted to his instagram. The hypocritical, intolerant left, who immediately throws ANYONE (currently Kayne) right under the bus, for not drinking their cool-aid, is just one of many topics to discuss on this #BigFailFriday on 94.3 WSC.
Also, the boys coming after the girls in scouts is another. Click the podcast to listen below to get that story straight - because I'm betting you haven't heard this hot take on the scouts anywhere else! It's not the girls wanting to take over the boy scouts, it the Boy Scouts who started it all! Good stuff, click and be amazed. There's also this unbelievable SCDMV license plate drama that you can't image would be happening in the bible belt south, but here we are!