Both sides of the Carriage Tour debate are saving unwanted animal's lives!
This epiphany came to me while listening to 'Ben' a caller on one of our nationally syndicated shows on Sunday night on 94.3 WSC who revealed the epic problem with the UNWANTED horse population. Click the Facebook audio below for more details.
That caller was Ben Doyle of Palmetto Carriage Works in downtown Charleston. I reached out to his older brother Tommy, who is no stranger to my morning show, who went more in-depth on how much of an animal lover he is, and how concerning, personally and professionally, the unwanted horse problem has become. Click above or below podcast player and fwd to 15:30 into the program for our conversation.
Now, here are two organizations, the non-profit Charleston Animal Society and the area Carriage Tour Industry, who are both rescuing animals from slaughter - both animal lovers, spending hundreds of thousands annually to save animals lives! Where is the disconnect? Why aren't they working TOGETHER to support the Unwanted Horse Coalition or partner and share volunteers and resources with Elizabeth Steed of Learn Horse Rescue?
Another hot summer is here and I know I'm not alone when I say, it's time to put the fighting on ice. Lets fix the real problem of how to deal with the 'unwanted' horse population - together. Truce?