FICTION: 'There were a few hundred who marched'
FACT: It was 2-thousand - including me!
FICTION: 'Candice Owens, co-founder of Blexit, paid people to protest!'
FACT: Everyone who attended Saturday's #BlexitBacksTheBlue rally and march was there because they wanted to be.
It's pretty sad how WRONG the msm got it. And, 'The Kelly Golden Show' thrives on countering fake news with facts so, here we go:
FACT: My work with in the non-profit community has been well documented, even nationally back in 2017 when I was awarded a key to the city of Charleston, and then later a state house resolution.
FACT: I'm an official member of BLEXITSC, a non profit organization. And, as Owen's stated, travel stipends were granted.
FACT: There is nothing unusual or out of the ordinary for non-profits to cover travel costs, that are directly related to fulfilling/running an organization's mission. These are considered reasonable business-related expenditures.
FACT: No one has a cancelled check they can produce with Candice Owen's name on it because no one (that I know of) was paid to go this event. In fact, if you work for yourself, you might of had to cancel appointments and possibly lose money, just to be there, but Saturday’s march to #BackTheBlue was just THAT important to us all.
Can we please stop getting distracted by the leftist media spin? It’s a major part of my 'day job' to share my 'life experiences' on-air and today is no different. This past weekend, I witnessed history in the making! Black, Asian, Caucasian - some two thousands strong - from TX, FL, SC, Maryland, AZ, NY, Penn, California who all came together on Oct. 10th, 2020 and showed the world, a silent majority exists and isn't afraid to show their multi cultural faces and support for law and order and law enforcers.
More here from BlexitSC Director Renata DeSilva on 'The Kelly Golden Show' on 94.3 WSC. Take a listen!
Here is the crowd live as POTUS speaks:
I’m blessed to of been there to gather stories from real people based on facts and real life experiences; like a single mom in Chicago driven out of, not just her city, but the entire country, by what she claimed were Rahm Emanuel’s destructive polices that decimated black families. Then there was a Grandma from Philly who was tells me she was the first black woman to run for Mayor in Pennsylvania, who couldn’t get enough signatures because she was running as a Republican. Now why doesn’t her black life matter to her own community when she’s fighting just to be able to serve it?! More to come!
Here are a few amazing stories shared from black Americans who support Trump 2020.
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