NEW: Meeting Tree Stand off Ends More ‘Good For Thee, Not Me’ government
Sammy Sanders doesn’t fit the MSM’s narrative of a 59-year-old white conservative male. You see, he’s been sleeping 30 ft. in the air to #SaveTheMeetingTree from a road widening project just outside Charleston, SC.
The ancient tree is rooted in area black history, yet Sammy is the soul driver in preserving it from destruction this Black History Month:
"It's s 300 year old Grand Live Oak, acted as a safe meeting place for slaves during the pre civil-war era. Slaves from surrounding plantations would gather here as a place of sanctuary, and it has survived the test of time and numerous hurricanes! It is a symbol of the strength! It should not be removed! Expanding on the other side of the road would save tax payers money!" - Ben C. of Chas. on Instagram
Tensions were high as the last few protestors stood by the tree as crews took it down overnight (LANGUAGE WARNING - see video)
Take a listen to the full podcast 📲
Sander's says of what remains:
"I will be making a plan in the next few days and weeks to donate wood from The Meeting Tree so that it’s remains are not wasted. I would ask that anyone wanting to get some to get with me before removing any, I want to make sure to have enough for hopefully get some artists to make something to commemorate The Meeting Tree, Huge Thanks to all that helped and supported us."
At the very least, this 'environmentally challenged' road widening project highlights a lack of government leadership. Especially when people from all political sides clearly came together to find a better solution, for all parties, to continue the project while preserving the tree.